To apply for undergraduate study at Exeter College you need to submit an application to Oxford University through UCAS. When applying to Oxford University you can nominate Exeter College as your College choice by selecting campus code 4 on the form. Applications open in September each year. The deadline for UCAS applications for Oxford is 6pm UK time on 15 October every year. Full details of the application process can be found on the University website.
Many subjects require candidates to sit a short written test: before applying make sure that you know whether you will have to sit a test, and – if so – how and when to register for it. Several tests have a registration date of 15 October; some require registration even before that. Full details are on the University website.
For many courses, you will need to send in written work as part of your application. Check out the requirements on the University website.
You may have heard all sorts of horror stories about Oxford interviews. Most, if not all, of them are false. Interviews are not designed to intimidate or embarrass you, but rather to assess your potential to excel in the subject for which you have applied.
In many science subjects, and some others, expect to be asked to work through problems on paper. In other subjects you will certainly be engaged in challenging discussion about relevant topics. The interviewers may ask you questions to which you do not know the answer. This is not to trick you, but to see if you can take a few tentative steps towards reaching an answer. Regardless of subject, the interviewers will also want to know if you are quick to take up new ideas and are able to think for yourself. You should feel free to take your time in answering questions and to ask for assistance if you have not fully understood a question. We are primarily interested in how clearly and deeply you can think.
During the interview you will be able to show your enthusiasm for the subject in which you are interested. The interviewers will want to know whether you will be willing to put in all the effort that is required to excel in the subject. They will want to know what it is that excites you in particular about the field.
You can generally expect to be interviewed by two or more people, and will likely have at least two interviews. You may be called for interviews at more than one college: there is nothing unusual in this and it does not indicate whether you have or have not been successful.
More advice on interviews can be found on the University website.
If you have any questions about applying to Exeter College and the University of Oxford, you may wish to search the University’s comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions page. For questions specific to Exeter, you are welcome to contact the Admissions Officer, Verity Skirrow, at or +44 (0)1865 279668.