NYS Roadway Inventory System Viewer

This data set features a hyperlink to the New York State Department of Transportation’s (NYSDOT) Roadway Inventory System (RIS) Viewer web page, which includes a link to an interactive map. The RIS Data Viewer is a geospatially based Geographic Information System (GIS) application for displaying data contained in the roadway inventory database. The interactive map has two viewable data categories or ‘layers’. The two layers include: Federal Aid Eligible Public Roadway System and Non-Federal Aid Eligible State Routes throughout New York State.


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Last updated unknown
Created unknown
Name NYS Roadway Inventory System Viewer
Format Web Page
License License not specified
Created4 years ago
Media typetext/html
has viewsFalse
metadata modified4 years ago
package idea332def-d639-46f6-b1e7-8687eaac078e