San luis rey indian water rights settlement act

The Settlement Act

In 1984, Congressman Ron Packard (CA-R), representative of the 43rd district, became the primary sponsor of the negotiations between the parties, and in 1988 the San Luis Rey Indian Water Rights Settlement Act (Settlement Act) was passed and the San Luis Rey Indian Water Authority (SLRIWA) was formed.

The Settlement Act authorized and directed the Secretary of the Interior to arrange for the development of 16,000 acre-feet of supplemental water for the use and benefit of the five Bands, Escondido, and Vista. Congress also authorized the appropriation of $30 million for use by the SLRIWA and for economic development of the reservations. The money was appropriated and deposited in an interest bearing Treasury account in 1990.

Once the water was identified in 2003, the Bands had to negotiate the terms and conditions to transport it from the Colorado River to Northern San Diego County. To do this, the Settlement Act was composed of three agreements between the Bands, the city of Escondido, the Vista Irrigation District (VID), the Coachella Valley Water District, the Metropolitan Water District (MWD), and the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA). They are the following: