If you use a prepaid credit card, keep it for at least 18 months after you pay to make refunds easier. Find more on prepaid cards.
We also accept all Debit MasterCard ® and Visa ® Debit cards.
The card you use doesn't have to be in your name. The cardholder's name will appear on the receipt but it does not need to match your application.
We only accept Debit MasterCard ® and Visa ® Debit cards. The logos on the front of your card will show you which type of card you have.
The card you use does not have to be in your name. The cardholder's name will appear on the receipt but it does not need to match your application.
Pay your fees with a valid credit or debit card. After selecting your fees, create an account or login to pay. You will find past receipts in your transaction history.
Choose a category:
Additional payments for citizenship or immigration applications
If you paid a fee that was less than you should have paid, use this to pay the difference. Do not use this to pay Canadian passport fees.
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